

I walked around Miami a bit while waiting for a flight the next day. I walked from the Airport area to the Civic Center. It didn’t seem that far on my phone.. My feet were black from the rubber coming off my flip flops, and I was developing a nice blister. Didn’t come across anyone on the sidewalks. Not many people about. Seems like no one walks in that city. Well, I didn’t walk in the glitzy areas where everyone goes. Feels about as far away from Portland as you can get.

Camera: XA2

Film: Tri-x

Dev: HC110 semi stand 50 min

1 thought on “Miami

  1. Lee

    I fell into the same trap back in April Jordi san.. Looked like an easy walk from the Hilton to Miami Beach. 2 hours including crossing the causeway later I deserved the ice cold corona that I finally enjoyed.. You touring the Caribbean again matey? A pity we couldn’t have met in Miami for a cold one, as I’ll be traveling that way soon..

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